Tuesday 12 December 2017


The University for Development Studies is giving a nice opportunity for all SHS graduates who had D7 or E8 in any of their core subjects to get admission to pursue any degree or diploma course of their choice through their Access Course program.

This programme will provide tuition in all the core subjects and counseling on Diploma and Degree courses after which examinations will be undertaken. Successful students will gain admission to study appropriate Degree or Diploma programmes of their choice depending on their WASSCE/SSSCE results. The duration for the tutorials and the examination will all be within a month or less. So that applicants who pass the examination can have time to apply for their preferred courses. Note, this is not an entrance examination, it is an opportunity for those who had D7 and E8 in their core subjects to correct it and qualify for admission.

The number of examination papers you write will depend on the number of core subjects you had D7 or E8 in your WASSCE result. Right after the examination results are out, successful applicants can go ahead and enroll for any degree or diploma course of their choice based on the result they had. There is no need to think of accommodation because the school will provide accommodation for all applicants throughout the program.

It is simple, just sit for a maximum of 3 weeks tutorial, write an exam, pass and qualify for admission. Then come to school in about two months time as a full time regular student. This program started late 2017 and in september same year, 610 of those who took part came to level 100 as full time students. You can be one of them next year.


1. Contact UDS master to help you get a form. (Ghc 350)

2. Pay a processing fee of Ghc 100

3. UDS master will guide you to complete the forms in an appropriate manner.

4. Submit the completed form at any of UDS campuses.(You can allow UDS master to do it for you or you can choose to do it yourself)

5. Get a message through an email, text, or a call. The day you are to report for the program will be given.

6. Sit for a maximum of one month tutorial and write an exam.

7. In a few days, your name will be among a list on the UDS main site, if you pass the exam. (UDSmaster will fetch that info for you)

8. You can now apply for any diploma or undergraduate course of your choice based on your result.

Don't let D7 or E8 prevent you from climbing the educational ladder. Registration for the 2018 access course program will begin in March 2018. Contact UDS master to start the application process or make further enquires.



You can also leave a comment in the comment box.

Monday 17 April 2017


The Students Representative Council (SRC) has the responsibility to protect the welfare of the students. Over the past years, the SRC has failed to deliver it's promises. They don't go down to the grassroot to really identify the problems facing the students. They rather sit at the top and make unnecessary predictions.

The student activists is a society of students who have come together to protect their interest and the interest of other students. This group have dedicated their self to provide any possible support to fresh and incoming Men and Women of the University for Development Studies. These incoming students are unfamiliar with the community and what they will have to do upon entry. Accommodation and registration therefore posses a major challenge to them. They need help from those who have been in the school for sometime to guide them yet there is no one to help them out. The student activists have taken it upon themselves to help these students to have a smooth entry process. We the student activists have been there before. When you are somewhere far away from home in an unknown land, not knowing how to carry yourself around and where you are even going to sleep. It is really pitiful. Not anymore, the student activists are really doing their best.

The leader of this society is a level 400 Economics (social science) student. His name is Alex Ketu. A self motivated gentleman who believe in the welfare of others.

If you are an incoming students in search of information and support, or a stakeholder wanting to know more about the school, don't hesitate to contact the leader on +233249930641 or +233204615869. It pleases us to be of help to you.

Monday 30 January 2017


Established in May 1992 by the Government of Ghana to " blend the academic world with that of the community in order to provide constructive interaction between the two for the total development of Northern Ghana, in particular, and the country as a whole" (PNDC Law 279, section 279)

"The UDS was borne out of the new thinking in higher education which emphasizes the need for universities to play a more active role in addressing problems of the society, particularly in the rural areas" (Effah, 1998)

The University by its mandate and constituency has a pro-poor focus. This is reflected in its methodology of teaching, research and outreach services. The specific emphasis on practically-oriented, research and field-based training is aimed at contributing towards poverty reduction in order to accelerate national development.

It begun academic work in September 1993 with the admission of forty(40) students into the faculty of Agriculture, (FoA), Nyankpala.

The Faculty of Integrated Development Studies (FIDS), Faculty of Education (FoE), Faculty of Planning and Land Management (FPLM), School of Business and Law, School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources (FRNR), Faculty of Agriculture (FoA), Faculty of Agribusiness and Communication Sciences (FACS), Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (FMS), Navrongo and the graduate school now in Tamale were phased in from 1994 to date.

In 2012, UDS celebrated twenty (20) years of delivering academic excellence under the theme “UDS: 20 years of Community Development through Higher Education”. The highlights of the celebration included a medical outreach that covered selected communities within the University’s catchment area; a quiz competition; the first edition of the Africa leadership Lectures; Alumni Homecoming and a Dinner and Awards Night, held to honor deserving staff and development

UDS is unique compared to other public universities  in the following ways:

  • Its location and multi campuses are spread out in rural northern Ghana where the incidence and depth of poverty is high.
  • Its vision is pro-poor aimed at addressing the conditions and structural causes of poverty.
  • UDS has four campuses, eight faculties, a business school, one Medical School, one Graduate School, one Institute and three centres.
  • UDS also runs a community-technical interface programme. This is a combination of the academic and community-based field practical work known as the Third Trimester Field Programme [TTFPP].

The University is envisaged to be a Home of World Class Pro-Poor Scholarship. This is reflected in its motto: '' Knowledge for Service'' as well as its methodology of teaching, research and outreach programmes.

UDS seeks to achieve its vision by:
  1. Promoting equitable and socio-economic transformation of communities through practically oriented, community based, problem solving, gender sensitivity and interactive research, teaching, learning and outreach activities.
  2. Providing higher education to persons suitably qualified for and capable of benefiting from it.
  3. Positioning itself as a national asset in the facilitation of lifelong learning.
  1. Developing its information and communication technology infrastructure as the driving force for the education of more people, more rapidly and the improvement of efficiency and academic quality in order to advance community and national development.

Sunday 15 January 2017


Accommodation at the University for Development Studies is much of a problem for fresh and incoming students. The school halls are not enough to accommodate all the incoming students. In fact, it can only take about 5% if not less, of the incoming students.
As a result of this, about 95% of the incoming students will find it stated in their admission letters to look for their own personal means of accommodation. This creates a lot of inconveniences since students will have to travel long distances before they get to the school. And even when they finally get to the school, they are not much familiar with the society and so looking for accommodation is one big problem. Most Landlords and Hostel owners also take that opportunity to exploit students by charging high and unreasonable prices.
Even where these students will place their luggages before going out to look for accommodation is another issue. It is when you will notice that students have their luggages all over the lecture halls while they look for accommodation.Those who get there in the night, is even worse. This has led to some reported cases of theft. Just imagine traveling such a long distance only for you to come and you have no place to rest or even put your luggages.

The financial strength of some incoming students becomes weak as they make a number of payments for their entry. Adding up accommodation cost becomes a huge burden on these students.

This has caught the attention of some group of student activists and has devoted their time to help students out with their accommodation issues. Incoming students can now fix any accommodation of their own choice before they even get to the school. This means that incoming students does not need to fight over accommodation again,once they contact these student activists. To those facing financial problems, they are paired so that they can share the cost among themselves to reduce their cost. Only those of the same gender are paired together. Effort is also made to make sure that those paired are offering related courses to enhance studies. For students with perculiar financial issues, all hope is still not lost. Just give them a call.

Things have been much comfortable for incoming students since the intervention of these student activists. These students don't do this for a profit, it is a volunteering service to make things comfortable for their incoming friends. ACCOMMODATION SHOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM ANY MORE.

You can contact the leader of the group to fix your accommodation now; 

Email: ketualex@outlook.com

Students who have gotten admission into the various campuses of the University for Development Studies (Wa,Tamale, Navrongo or Nyankpala) can still contact these lines to fix their accommodation.

Saturday 14 January 2017


Life at the Wa campus of the University for Development studies is different from that of other universities across the country. In the Wa campus, the whole Wa township seem to be the campus of the  university. Student are spread across the length and breadth of the Wa township. This is as a result of inadequate university halls. The divided nature of the two campuses has also contributed to this situation. Students therefore have to find various transportation means to get to and from the campus.

Students who rally around "Bamahu" prefer to go on foot when going to the new campus. But when they are to go to the old campus, they have no option than to pick a car. Some students have also resort to various private means of transportation by owning bicycles and motor bikes. Few are also car owners. The most common of these are the motor bikes. About 70% of the student populace are motor bike owners.The kind of bike you drive determines your swag level. For the guys, what you wear does not realy matter, but what you drive. The interesting thing is that most of these motor bike owners are guys. Because the ladies will always call for a lift. This has resulted to the popular saying on campus that the easiest way to get a girlfriend on campus is to own a motor bike. Certain number of motor accidents involving students has also been recorded over the years. Leading to some deaths and injuries. School authorities have now come out with a new policy that, a student on a bike without a helmet will not be allowed to enter the campus.

Concerning matters of safety, it is not much of a problem. One only needs to be careful. Bamahu has recorded several cases of theft. In my opinion, it is relatively safer staying within the Wa township than staying inside Bamahu. The Bamahu township is a little overcrowded and therefore access to water is much of a problem. But students prefer staying at Bamahu because it is much closer to the new campus where most academic activities takes place.

Academic activities on campus is really a tight one. Students develop various ways and means of studying, especially when it is about two weeks to examination. The most trusted source for students to predict examination questions is what they term as PASCO [ Past Questions ]. Prior to examination, the most cherished asset for the student is their handout.
Unannounced quizzes held by lecturers at unpredictable intervals has been a major problem for students who like running from lectures. The interesting thing is that these students have a nice way of writing the quiz even though they will not be present. Though they are not present, their names will be in the attendance list.

SRC week celebration has also been one of the biggest occasions held on campus. There Are various activities that goes on within the week. The most popular of these activities is what they term as "go crazy". It simply means pretend to be crazy. This is where you will see students floating the streets with the likeness of a mad man. You won't believe it until you see it with you naked eyes. The dress code for this activity is red.

The students of UDS also have something they call "the village campus",which most students never got to know before they were admitted. That is the Third Trimester Field Practical Programme (TTFPP). Students are sent to remote villages Accross northern Ghana, to study and write a report on the developmental issues Of the community. Students are sent in a group of 10 with members from all the four campuses. The community become the campus for the students for two and half months. That is why the students have given it a name as "village campus". It is a nice experience living in, and socialising with the people of the community.

Campus become boring when it is getting to the end of the trimester. When it is that time of the year, students are broke, and as if that is not enough, examination pressures will also be hunting them. That is when the ladies do not even bother about their make-ups and how they look. The hunt for past questions begines from that period.

After the examination, then the "rush hour" begins. Student will begin to rush to their hometowns the same day they will write their final exams. School authorities do not even understand why there is so much rush at that time, only the students know. The truth is that, during that time, the only money left in their pockets is for transportation. A little delay will bring desaster. So they will have to rush home before they become hungry again.

Life on campus is very interesting but sometimes boring. It teaches a lot of life lessons. UDS; knowledge for service.



The University for Development Studies is a school located in the upper regions of Ghana. The school comprises of four campuses:
  • Tamale campus
  • Wa campus
  • Navrongo campus
  • Nyankpala campus
Wa campus is the second largest of all the campuses with the Tamale campus being the largest. The Wa campus is basically seen as the business school of the University for Development Studies. Courses offered at the Wa campus are business inclined with some few courses from the social sciences. The major courses offered at the Wa campus are;
  • Diploma in Business studies
  • Diploma in Integrated community development
  • BA Integrated development studies
  • BA Planning and land management
  • BA Real estate development
  • B.ED Social science
  • B.ED Business studies
  • BSc Accounting
  • BSc Accounting with Finance
  • BSc Integrated business studies 

New courses are introduced from time to time, you can contact the student activist +2330249930641 or ketualex@gmail.com for more information.

 The Wa campus is in itself  made up of two campuses; the old campus and the new campus. The distance between these two campuses is about 150km.

The new campus is situated at the outskirt of Bamahu, a town just before Wa municipal. This town has become part of Wa because it is so close that one even finds it difficult to determine the boundaries between them.
Most activities goes on at the new campus because it is the one with adequate facilities.

The old campus is also situated in an area called "Sombo" inside the Wa township. The old campus now serves as the administration but also have three lecture halls. Students always have one or two lectures at the old campus, depending on the type of course being offered and the size of the class.  So lectures are distributed among the two campuses.





The University for Development Studies is giving a nice opportunity for all SHS graduates who had D7 or E8 in any of their core subjects to ...